Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A Lazy holiday, didn't do a whole lot, it was nice

Ment to post this yesterday, but I forgot, happy 4th of July!

Dane Cook's Tourgasm - Episode 4 - In this episode Greg is nowhere to be found don't know where he went.  Bobby goes down in a touch football game, tearing his ACL we'll see if he makes it back and Joey and Bobby get into it, they just don't get along. 

The Evidence - And the Envelope Please - This one everything was just a bit too perfect and how it all worked.  It wasn't terrible but I just didn't really love it either.  And I need them to wrap up the storyline on the guys wife already, it's just too much.

Treasure Hunters - Don't Trust Thy Neighbor - The infighting amonst the teams is annoying and the clues should give more than they do so that we could figure them out as well.  Kinda a neat episode, they go to Boston and have to figure out some clues there about the Revolutionary War.  Not bad.


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