Saturday, July 29, 2006

Two days at once

Sorry, I forgot to post yesterday (well, Thursday as it's after 12:00 AM when posting this) so I posted two days in one.

Buffy Season 2 - One of my top 3 seasons. (Probably number 2, with 3, 2, 5, 1, 4, 7, 6 being the order of today, but always subject to change.) It has Angel going bad, the introduction of Oz, Spike when he was evil, and a great ending to the season. Just top-notch stuff.

Beer Nutz - Milwaukee - They go to Milwaukee and tour a bunch of breweries and brewpubs. Kinda neat, less just drunk people. Also a pretty neat tour of a homebrew setup, which I liked a lot. - Episode 80 - Lots of good Vista talk, some good other news. Ready Boost looks pretty neat. Also some talk of Blu-Ray, HD-DVD, high end DVD setups and that type of stuff. Plus some cool high-speed photography of water droplets.

Basic Brewing Radio - More coverage from the National Hombrew Competition, this time with more professional brewers. Again, most of this stuff is way over my head, I'm still trying to get my first really good beer to come out, haven't gotten there yet.

What's New Now - 7/26 - A bunch of talk about the AMD-ATI buyout, which I don't quite understand, but, Hey, it's their money. Basic news show today, but not bad. Some talk of the Microsoft Music player that's coming out, but it'll flop, if you ask me, because it won't be as easy to use as an iPod, which is why people have iPods.

Three Sheets - Jamacia - Our host goes to Jamacia where he samples the 4 Rs, 2 Gs and 1 JB. The 4 Rs are Rum, Redstripe, Regge and Rastafarians. The 2 Gs are Guiness (they have a bottling plant in Jamacia) and Ganja which he's pretty sure he had a tea made with as a hangover cure in the morning. The 1 JB is a type of "overproof" rum, bascially rocketfuel. Pretty funny show.

The Daily Show - 7/26 - A three corespondent special report from the Middle East where God is playing the 3 major religions against each other, pretty funny. A new segment called Number Cruncher which wasn't bad. And a Back in Black segment. I love Lewis Black, but you know that. Sharon Weinberger was the special guest, she wrote a book called Imaginary Weapons, something about the Pentagon.

The Colbert Report - 7/26 - Stephen goes into quite a long diatribe about marring ones cousin. I missed the Word but he was talking about letting Saddam out and how that'd make the Middle East better. Oh he also told us what to do in case of a blackout (first thing? Get a generator so you can listen to what he says to do in a blackout.) Niel Kahtyahl is the special guest, he represented some of the detainees at Gitmo.

The Daily Show - 7/27 - The "Boy Band Bombshell" apparently Lance Bass is gay. Hrrm, who cares again? Some weird dude thinks that Bob the Builder and Thomas the Tank Engine are Nazi style propaganda to get kids to work. Yeah, he's crazy, I think :). Another installment of "Ten F@#@ing Years." I like how they made fun of themselves/reminisce, with the whole The xxxxx society or NAMBLA. The Special guest talked Middle East problems and how messed up it really is over there, not only East vs. West/Muslim vs Jewish/Muslim vs. Christianity but also Muslim vs. Muslim with some of the Muslims supporting Israel and some not, it's messed up.

We also watched two episodes of Inked, which is an okay show, I like it. But it doesn't really warrant a review because they're all pretty much the same. But it was fun to watch Dizzle try to rap.


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