Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Catching up on some Daily Show.

The Daily Show - 9/11 - God, they don't even have to try to make Bush sound stupid, he does it all himself.  A lot of 9/11 talk, obviously.  Jason Jones then reports on hunting with Dart Guns instead of real guns.  Yeah, awesome.  The special guest was Maggie Gyllenhaal who was pregnant.

The Colbert Report - 9/11 - Stephen "calls" the Mannilow win in the same category that he was up for an Emmy in.  The word is Shall, a great word.  Thou Shalt not Kill (except by Lethal Injection :).)  Martin Short is the special guest.  I'm still not the hugest fan of the guy.

The Daily Show - 9/12 - Even though it is no longer 9/11, the show still starts off with more 9/11 talk.  A really funny bit where they superimposed the image of George Bush talking to the nation over top of the Geico commercial with Little Richard.  Wow, that's genius.  Jon then takes a bit of time out to talk to Camera 3 and the President, dressed in a cowboy hat, with a bale of hay and a barn in the background.  Funny stuff.  Lewis Black is on the show, and you know what I think of him.  Gary Hart was the special guest, and he was a Senator and he was okay.  Not sure if he's still in the Senate or not.

The Colbert Report - 9/12 - Funny Colbert fighting Bush with lightsaber in green screen.  I didn't catch the word, but it was probably something like Fear.  NJ's Third - in Better Know a District, except it's a Better know a Challenger.  Toby Keith is the special guest.  Apparently Willie Nelson's bus is the Embassy of Weedvile.  That's funny.

American Dad - Guys, there's a Lion, Guys! There's a Lion!  Oh, nevermind.  Funny.  The show was okay, but not great but that's pretty much par for the course with this show, it has moments that are hilarious and moments that aren't so much.  In this one Stan wants Steve to go to camp and ends up sending him to a refugee camp.

The Brew Network - I don't remember what day this show aired, but it was pretty interesting about Batch Sparging. I'm still an extract brewer but someday I hope to make it to All Grain.  It's cheaper and you have more control over your brews.

*** Misc Review ***
Okay, so this is a review of iTunes 7.  Here's the thing, I usually dislike iTunes but I always give the new version a try.  My main thing I need is the ability to create Smart Playlists based on comments in the ID3 tags (so Lace and I can each get the music we need on our iPods correctly.)  And I also want MP3 and not AAC and I want to use EAC or CDex with LAME to encode my music, not the iTunes built in.  And like most Apple programs, it is so insistent that everything you want to do is integrated into this one program that it doesn't play very well with others.  I could work around all the other problems except one, it did NOT import all my comments correctly.  It imported about 2/3 of them for some reason, no idea why.  So I'm not ready to switch to iTunes yet.


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