Friday, August 25, 2006

YALD - Yet Another Light Day

Still catching up on ITC and PA stuff.  Sorry for the lack of cool stuff, but I did watch some stuff after work which has some reviews below.

But one of the ITCs that I listened to today was very interesting (Mesh Forum 2006 specifically ITC.MeshForum2006-AnilDash-2006.05.07)  What was interesting was the part where they were talking about an audience for a podcast or a blog.  My blog audience is seriously no-one but myself and if others WANT to see what I'm watching or listening to or music or beer reviews or whatever, they're more than welcome to take a look and leave a comment.  I encourage it, but seriously, if you aren't witting it for yourself, for whatever reason, what good is it and if you didn't know me personally, why would you care at all???

The Daily Show - 8/21 - Wow, the 24 hour news stations are stupid of the Jon Benet Ramsey case again.  Yeah, I know I'm a bit old on these shows so the news isn't going to be that topical, but still.  Oh, wait, I'm only 3 days old, this is a 10 YEAR old story.  Rob Corddry reports from a toilet.  Samantha Bee reports about Snakes on a Plane!!!  Hell-Yeah!  "Could it Muthafuckin Happen Here?"  Classic and with a special appearance by Samuel L. Jackson himself.  I didn't catch the speical Guests name, but he seemed pretty intelligent and wrote a book explaining why the situation is so messed up in the Middle East.

Ctrl-Alt-Chicken - Bananas Foster - Mmmm, another desert.  This time it's a sunday with Bananas and alcohol, what's not to like?  Actually this is the second IPTV show that I've seen make Bananas Foster in the past month or so, the other being Basic Brewing Video.  Weird, huh?

Treasure Hunters - Finale - Yeah, a big let down.  Why did they need to drag this to two shows?  Just to have the reunion?  It's like the figured out how to make it like Survivor but suckier.  I'm okay with who won and I am glad the last clue was really hard to get.

Beer Nutz - Vancouver - The guys go to Vancouver to drink some beer.  A pretty standard episode, these episodes are all becomming about the same, but I'll still watch them.

Three Sheetz - Belize - Okay, Zane had to drink a rum that had a snake in it (Viper Rum) and was on a quest to find Cashew Wine.  Very funny episode and one guy did a line of cayenne pepper, that was nuts.  I enjoyed this episode a lot though.


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