Tuesday, September 12, 2006

One outta three ain't that bad.

The Simpsons - Kinda a Godfather ripoff but some funny parts.  Not the best Simpsons I've ever seen.

Family Guy - Stewie Loves Lewis - Pretty funny episode where Peter confuses a prostate exam with rape and Stewie goes on this kick where he loves Lois.  Not bad at all.

Diggnation - Episode 62 - Kevin and Alex attempt to start the show with a drinking gag but Kevin ends up throwing up on Alex's couch.  Well, not really but it was still pretty funny.  They're drinking Tecate this show, not a terrible beer.  A Yoda backpack, fricken awesome.  Pretty funny episode, they want the hottest girls from GoDaddy and Geekdrome to be on their show.

Geekdrome - Seriously, I watched this, but wasn't really paying attention.  I hear a joke and laugh then forget what was said or why it was funny.  Jon didn't like Idiocacity as much as I though he might, and I wanted to see that (it's very limited release from Mike Judge, creator of Office Space, oh and Beavis and Butthead and King of the Hill, well one outta three ain't bad.)


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