Friday, July 30, 2004

Still OUCH

Yeah, my eye still hurts a bit. Not as bad. I may have to go on Steriod drops (look at me bulk up, yeah) but we'll see tomorrow.

Check out Condon's blog for a pretty funny Clerks - The Animated Series rip-of^h^h^h^h^hspoof*.

Possibility of a Showgirls Drinking Game night tomorrow.  Many thanks do to the Showgirls V.I.P. Edition for making it all possible.   

*It's a geek thing.   ASCII - ^H - Binary- 0000 1000 Name/Meaning - Backspace.  See here for more info.

Thursday, July 29, 2004


So last night my eye was hurting so I took out my contact for a change (No, it's okay, really, I have month-long day/night wear contacts now) and it felt like something was in my eye. I tried washing it out with saline no luck, I said screw it I'm going to bed.

I tried to wash it out this morning again with no luck. Lace convinced me to go to the doctor. His diagnosis? I have something wrong with my eye. He thinks something got trapped under my contact at one point and possibly scratched the eye. I'm on Ciprofloxacin - 1 drop every 1/2 hour today and I get to see him again tomorrow morning.

And you didn't think this blog would be interesting :)

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Oh, yeah, I get dibs

I get dibs on ranting about the new attempt at the most horrible movie that I could possibly think of making.

Seriously, put Marci X on loop before subjecting me to more of that crap.

Yet I am still expecting a good rant from Condon on this one as well.  In my opinion he is fundamental in getting the original series canceled.

Okay, trying again

Yes, so I'm going to try this whole blogging thing again.  The last time didn't go so well, so ignore them.  Thanks to Condon for peaking my intrest in blogging again.  See his blog at

Okay, that's all for now.  Hopefully i'll be back later.

Yeah, and if you have an RSS reader that can read ATOM feeds: