Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Scott Kurtz is a Genius

After seeing the new Blade movie last night, I was once again reminded that Scott Kurtz is a genius. If you've seen then new (or any for the matter) Blade, the following comic is for you:

Monday, December 06, 2004

What I learned this weekend

They say you never stop learning in your life. I figure, if that's the case, then I really had to have learned some things this past weekend. I sat down and tried to figure out what I learned this weekend and came up with the following 4 things:

A. (I already knew this, but it can't be said often enough) I-81 sucks. Sucks it hard and sucks it long.

B. (Again, already knew this) The worst drivers in the country live in Florida and Virginia

C. Knocking 4 33 oz Beer Glasses off a table will get you kicked out of a bar.

D. It is impossible to get kicked out of Joe's Diner in Blacksburg VA.

You may ask how I know D is true. I know this to be true because putting on an apron found in the bathroom and taking orders from the other customers, for 2 hours, did not get US kicked out. And I figure if that doesn't get us kicked out, nothing will.

So that's what I learned. What did YOU learn this weekend?